We are a professional international horse transport company
Today we operate Ireland’s newest and most modern fleet of purpose built horse transporters

The Cooper family have been in the horse business for over 200 years as dealers and shippers. When we started in the horse business the mechanically propelled vehicle had not yet been invented, all the horses at that time were walked and ridden back from the fairs, sales and farms throughout Ireland to our yard in Dublin or one of our outfarms outside the city awaiting shipping.
The arrival of the trains and their stock carriages created greater efficiency and of course less tiring for horse and man, later of course saw the introduction of road and air transport.
Yes we have been in the business of shipping horses a long time, but that is not to say we haven’t moved with the times. Today we operate Ireland’s newest and most modern fleet of purpose built horse transporters, we have established contacts with all the major airlines who carry horses and have a network of trusted agents worldwide.

Meet Our Team
Gavin Cooper
00353 87 8390265
Oliver Cooper
00353 86 2558024
Warren Cooper
00353 86 3288165
If you are looking for Horse Friendly Transport Contact us today and Get Quality you deserve
info@cooperhorses.com, Office: 00353 1 8077771, Fax: 00353 1 8407556, Mon-Friday:9AM-5:30PM, Cooper International Horse Transport, Castlefarm, Kilsallghan, Co. Dublin